
Information on sourcing seeds and plant material:

Mabry, C.M. 2022. Limits to local sourcing in herbaceous plant restoration. Ecological Restoration 40:64-69.


Forest History, Functional Ecology and Restoration

Asbjornsen, H., Brudvig, L.A., Mabry, C.M.,  Evans,C.W. and H.M. Karnitz. 2005. Defining reference information for restoring ecologically rare tallgrass oak savannas in the Midwestern United States. Journal of Forestry: 103:345-350.

Geoffrey, H., and G.G. McGee. 2018. Lack of herbaceous layer community recovery in post agricultural forests across three physiographic regions of New York. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 145:1-20.

Gerken Golay, M.E., Thompson, J.R. Mabry, C.M. and R.K. Kolka 2013a. An Investigation of water nutrient levels associated with forest vegetation in highly altered landscapes. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 68:361-371.

Ellarson,  R.S. and S. R. Craven. 1983. Herb Reestablishment in Beech-Maple Woodlot (Wisconsin). Ecological Restoration 1(2):15-16.

Mabry, C.M. 2002. Effect of cattle grazing on woodlands in central Iowa. Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science 109:53-60.

Mabry, C.M. 2004. The number and size of seeds in common versus restricted woodland herbaceous species in central Iowa, USA. Oikos 107: 497-504.

Mabry, C.M. 2023. Demography, time to first flowering and longevity of 14 temperate forest herbaceous species Iowa, USA. Ecological Restoration 41:213-219.

Mabry, C.M., Gerken, M. and J. Thompson. 2007. Seasonal storage of nutrients by perennial herbaceous species in undisturbed and disturbed deciduous hardwood forests. Applied Vegetation Science 11:35-42. Available online.

Mabry, C.M. and J.M. Fraterrigo. 2009. Species traits as generalized predictors of forest community response to human disturbance. Forest Ecology & Management 257:723-730.

Mabry, C.M., Gerken Golay, M., Lock, D. Thompson, J.A.  2018. Validating the use of coefficients of conservatism to assess forest herbaceous layer quality. Natural Areas Journal 38(1) 6-14.

McGinnis, E.E. and M.H. Meyer. 2011. After-ripening, stratification and perigynia removal enhance pensylvania sedge germination. HortTechnology 21:187-192.

Mottl, L. 2000. Woodland herbaceous layer restoration in Iowa. Master's thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.

Tungesvick, K. 2006. Restoring a native understory in lawn areas of a park. Land and Water. November/December: 26-29.


Sources of Species Information

Altrichter, E.A., Mabry, C.M., Thompson, J.R. and R.K. Kolka. 2020. Genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity of forest herbaceous species in Iowa, central United States. Ecological Restoration 38:160-168.

Balestrieri-Fox, D. O. 2023. Personal experimentation germinating long-beak sedge. Iowa City, IA.

Barkley, T.M. 1986. Flora of the Great Plains. University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, KS.

Baskin, J.M. and C.C. Baskin. 1986. Propagation of wild ginger (Asarum canadense) from seeds (Kentucky. Restoration and Management Notes 4:36.

Brudvig, L.A., Mabry C.M. 2008. Trait-based filtering of the regional species pool to guide understory plant reintroductions in Midwestern oak savannas, U.S.A. Restoration Ecology: 16:290-294.

Brudvig, L.A., Mabry, C.M. and L. Mottl. 2011. Dispersal, not establishment, limits Iowa woodland understory restoration. Restoration Ecology 19:24-31.

Ellarson, Robert S. and Scott R. Craven. 1983. Herb Reestablishment in Beech-Maple Woodlot (Wisconsin). Ecological Restoration 1(2):15-16.

Fernald, M. L. 1970. Gray's Manual of Botany. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, NY.

Gerken Golay, M., Mabry, C., Manatt, R., Thompson, J. and R. Kolka. 2013b. Restoration of herbaceous plants: persistence, growth, and reproductive success of local and non-local propagules. Ecological Restoration 31:378-387.

Gleason, H.A. and A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY.

Holland, P.G. 1981. The demography of trout lily (Erythronium americanum Ker.) in Nova Scotia. Vegetatio 45:97-106.

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Mabry, C.M., Gerken, M. and J. Thompson. 2007. Seasonal storage of nutrients by perennial herbaceous species in undisturbed and disturbed deciduous hardwood forests. Applied Vegetation Science 11:35-42. Available online.

Mabry, C.M. and J.M. Fraterrigo. 2009. Species traits as generalized predictors of forest community response to human disturbance. Forest Ecology & Management 257:723-730.

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Mottl, L., Mabry, C.M. and D.R. Farrar. 2006. Seven-year survival of perennial herbaceous transplants in temperate woodland restoration. Restoration Ecology 14(3): 330-338.

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