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Uvularia grandiflora

Common Name(s)
Large flowered bellwort
Flowering Time
Fruit/Seed Maturation Sign
Capsules begin to yellow; seeds turn brown
Fruit/Seed Collection Dates
Mid to late June

Mature transplants added to a woodland degraded by cattle grazing in Wisconin were "healthy" in the six years that the plants were monitored, and with low mortality; the authors did not report whether they reproduced (Ellarson and Craven 1982) .

Ant dispersed seeds. Of 390 seeds planted in a central Iowa demographic study, 97 (25%) germinated and 27 plants survivied to year 5; 5 flowered after an average of 13 years (Mabry 2023), suggesting that this species is best introduced with transplants.R

Rhizome short, thickened (Fernald 1963, Barkley 1986), can be prolific leading to formation of dense colonies (Mabry personal observation).

Large flowered bellwort (Uvularia grandiflora)

Large flowered bellwort (Uvularia grandiflora) fruit and leaf

Seed Cleaning
Separate seeds from capsule
Intolerant of dry storage (Cullina 2000)
Restoration Potential