Carex jamesii

Common Name(s):
James' sedge
Flowering Time:
Fruit/Seed Maturation Sign:
Perigynia turns from green to brown/black
Fruit/Seed Collection Dates:
Early to mid June to early July
Seed Cleaning:
Separate achenes from bracts; achenes do not separate easily at time of collection
Restoration Potential:
High (with transplants)
Germination Method(s):
Cold, moist stratification

Of 390 seeds planted in a central Iowa demographic study, 41 emerged (11%) and 18 survived to year 5; 13 flowered and produced seed after an average of 7.5 years; recruitment of new individuals was also observed (Mabry 2023).

In a study using tranplants, survival was 94-100% after year 2, with recruitment of new individuals also observed in year 2 (Golay et al. 2013); can form dense mats (mabry 2023).

Seed output (seeds are ant dispersed) and vegetative spread low (Barkely 1986, Gleason and Cronquist 1991); rootstocks/rhizome short (Mackenzie 1940, Mohlenbrock 1999).