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Podophyllum peltatum

Common Name(s)
Mayapple, mandrake
Flowering Time
Fruit/Seed Maturation Sign
Fruits turn yellow on at least one side and soften; seeds turn brown
Fruit/Seed Collection Dates
Mid to late June

Of 330 seeds planted in a central Iowa demographic study, 133 (40%) germinated and 14 plants survivied to year 5; one flowered, after 16 years (Mabry 2023). Introduce to restoration site by transplants.

Transplant survival was 94% after 7 years in a Michigan study (DeJong et al. 2017).

Has low seed output but extensive vegetative spread (Barkely 1986, Gleason and Cronquist 1991), increasing by 5.4 in/year (Whitford 1951).

Fun fact: "Eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina) are the only seed dispersal agents so far identified. Turtle-ingested seeds germinate faster and have a higher probability of success than noningested seeds" (Rust and Roth 1981).

Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum)

Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum) flower

Seed Cleaning
Remove seeds as fruits decay
Intolerant of dry storage (Cullina 2000)
Restoration Potential
Low (extremely) by seed; high by transplant and vegetatively